New Wai 262 Web Platform Launched
The Taumata Whakapūmau are leading out the Kanohi Ora engagement strategy for Wai 262 to bring whānau, hapū and iwi up to speed with the claim and to nationalise the Māori conversation about Wai 262.
The Taumata Whakapūmau have launched their new web platform to provide both historic and contemporary information and updates on the regional engagement process.
Taumata Whakapūmau kaikōrero Walter Wells says: “Wai 262 has taken over thirty years to get to this point. The claim was lodged with the Waitangi Tribunal in 1991 and they issued their report in 2011. Claimants told the Crown in 2007 that the Wai 262 conversation needed to include other Māori not represented through that process. Kanohi Ora engagement is now that opportunity to welcome all Māori into Wai 262, to connect, listen and grow the kaupapa together with claimant whānau and iwi. We look forward to doing this through virtual platforms and, where safe and appropriate, kanohi ki te kanohi hui”.
The website, social media and e-panui are a few ways the Taumata Whakapūmau will keep the public updated on key developments. The website contains an Expression of Interest form for those who want to connect and an open invitation for individuals to share. Feel free to connect with our team on
The role and purpose of Te Taumata Whakapūmau is to maintain the mauri and uphold the vision of Wai 262