Expect Delays At Battys Road/New Renwick Road Intersection Next Week
Motorists should plan for reduced speeds and a stop/go in operation at the Battys Road/New Renwick Road/Richardson Avenue intersection from this Tuesday, as construction begins on a new roundabout.
A new sewer pipe will be installed under Battys Road, which is expected to take between seven and 10 days.
Marlborough Roads Network Manager Deanna Gleeson said Omaka Landings’ residents were encouraged to exit the Landings via Richardson Avenue during this time as Richardson Avenue will be under traffic control. “This will prevent traffic trying to exit Lancaster Ave during peak times being held up due to queuing along New Renwick Road,” she said.
This site will be largely run under a temporary speed limit of 30km per hour. “The reduced speed and stop/go is vital to keep our contractors and the public safe, we will look to have traffic back to normal as soon as possible. We do ask for patience while we complete this part as it has to do with your safety,” said Deanna.
CMT Group NZ Limited have been awarded the contract for the construction of the new roundabout. The work will include creating a new central island, re-aligning kerb and channel, construction of traffic islands, new footpath and a pedestrian crossing across Richardson Avenue.
As part of the contract works, CMT Group has engaged Fulton Hogan Marlborough for traffic management services.
Over the course of the upgrade, there will be heavy machinery and truck movements, along with increased construction noise, vibration and potentially dust. “Although the contractors will endeavour to cause as minimal disturbance as possible, some of this cannot be avoided,” said Deanna.
Hours of work will be Monday to Friday 7.00 am - 5.30 pm, and Saturday mornings between 7.00 am and 1.00 pm.
Further information can be obtained from Marlborough Roads on 03 520 8330.