Council Prioritises Core Infrastructure Investment And Asks How Should They Pay For It?
The Horowhenua population is forecast to reach over 62,000 by 2041, the next 20 years is set to transform Horowhenua. Change brings both opportunities and challenges. How Council plans for change, and responds to it, will shape the future of the District.
The Long Term Plan Consultation Document ‘Growing our Future Together 2021-2041’ sets out the services and projects Council is going to deliver for the Horowhenua community over the next 20 years, and how it proposes to fund them.
Horowhenua District Mayor, Bernie Wanden said, “The population is expected to almost double within 20 years, which will increase the demand on existing infrastructure and community assets. We’re proposing considerable investment in the core infrastructure of our District, whether that is building it new, upgrading, or improving the maintenance of what we already have, to be able to cope with the increased demand. The big question we’re faced with is how do we fund growth?”
Council is facing a challenging environment and must respond to these challenges whilst trying to reach a balance between loan and rate funding. In year one of the 20-year plan, the average rates increase after growth for the District is proposed to be 6.7%. We are aware that affordability is an issue for many in our District, we continue to work hard to keep any rates increase as low as possible, and as a result, we are proposing a number of funding options including the possibility of reintroducing Development Contributions, he said.
Mayor Wanden said, “Planning for our District’s future is a responsibility we all share, and in a period of transformation, the more of you we hear from, the stronger and more representative of our community our Long Term Plan will be.”
We need the community to tell us which options they support for the key challenges we’ve identified. What do they think Council should invest in over the next 20 years, and have we got the proposed funding approach right? The community are encouraged to attend consultation events, drop in sessions and make a submission telling us what they think, he said.
During the consultation period, Council Officers and Elected Members will be available to speak to any ratepayer or resident about the Consultation Document. If you wish to make an appointment with a Council Officer, please contact Council on 06 366 0999 or If you wish to speak to an Elected Member then please contact them directly - their contact details can be found on Council’s website.
How to have your say:
Submissions on the Consultation Document, ‘Growing Our Future Together 2021-2041’, are welcome until 4pm on Monday 19 April 2021.
You can provide feedback by completing a Long Term Plan submission form. The form is available:
· online from Council’s website at
· in hard copy from Council’s customer service centres and libraries:
· Council’s Main Office in Levin (126 Oxford Street, Levin)
· Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō (10 Bath Street, Levin)
· Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom (22 Harbour Street, Foxton)
· Shannon Library (Plimmer Terrace, Shannon)
For more information, please visit