Renwick And Havelock Water Use Information Out Soon
Residents in Renwick and Havelock will soon receive information on their water use following the first reading of their meters.
Council’s Operations and Maintenance Engineer, Stephen Rooney, says this is a major milestone for the project.
“Now that we have completed the initial meter reading, meters will be read on a regular basis to provide residents with a comparison between winter and summer demand.”
“Over the next couple of weeks households in Renwick and Havelock will be provided with an information sheet which will detail their water consumption prior to charging beginning next year. This lead-in period provides water usage data through a complete summer period, prior to charging starting on 1 July 2021,” Mr Rooney said.
“Water meters are the fairest way to pay, as you only pay for the water you actually use, giving you control over your bill. Metering helps secure future water supplies by encouraging people to conserve water.”
“Meters also help to identify leaks and get them fixed quickly. We have already found some very large leaks - one was showing a loss of water of 68 cubic metres a day, compared to the average household daily winter consumption of less than one cubic metre a day,” Mr Rooney said.
Members of the public can contact Council on Ph: 03 520 7400 for further information about the Renwick and Havelock water meter rollout or visit: