Regional Council Sends Rates Invoices To 71,122 Ratepayers
The Regional Council has sent rates invoices for the 2020-21 year to 71,122 ratepayers across the region, and they are due for payment on 20 September this year.
Given the significant financial and personal implications of COVID-19 and the drought for families and businesses, the Council won’t be increasing rates revenue this year.
Council chief executive James Palmer said it had been an extraordinary, challenging year for the community.
“Our rates team will operate with greater flexibility and compassion, and we encourage those ratepayers who are experiencing financial hardship to get in touch to organise a payment plan.”
The Council will borrow up to $7.6 million to fund the projected revenue shortfall from lower investment returns and to reduce the increase in rates from a previously planned 7.3% down to 0%.
“Organisational costs and spending remain under tight scrutiny, yet thanks to funding from rates, and government grants, we are building and accelerating programmes to prepare our region for climate change,” he said.
The Council has emailed rates invoices today, and mailed invoices will arrive in letterboxes early next week.
For more information about payment options go to our rates hub: