Three Waters Reform Package - Canterbury Mayoral Forum
The Canterbury Mayoral Forum welcomes the Government’s announcement yesterday of $100 million across Canterbury councils as the first stage of a Three Waters reform package.
The funding is conditional on councils opting into the Government’s reform package. The Mayoral Forum is facilitating discussions between councils on the impact of opting in or out of the reform process. The Forum is also talking with Ngāi Tahu and other South Island councils.
Mayor Sam Broughton, Chair of the Canterbury Mayoral Forum, said: ‘We share central government’s concern to improve our water infrastructure and ensure safe drinking water for all New Zealanders. This is something we all want.’
‘Initial indications are that a majority of Canterbury councils will sign up to the first funding round and the Memorandum of Understanding to work with the Government in good faith on the Three Waters reforms. This will secure the $100 million for the region. We are grateful that this initial funding comes with no binding commitment to sign up to any particular service delivery model. We need breathing space for our councils to decide what will work best for our communities over the long run.’
The Government has set an ambitious timeline to achieve its reforms and the Mayoral Forum will work with it to improve our water infrastructure in Canterbury. At the same time we will drive to keep the cost of water services affordable, safe and accountable to our communities.