Breached Landfill Wall Secured At Awatere River
Contractors and Council workers yesterday secured the breaches in the old landfill site at the mouth of the Awatere River.
“The work we’ve done over the last two days will prepare for the revetment work that will stabilise the wall even further,” said David Wilson, Council’s director of liveable communities.
He said high water had breached the wall in several places over a 70-80m length, which workers had begun addressing immediately they were on site.
“Our main priorities were to stop more rubbish going out and to secure and stabilise the breaches in the wall, and that work is done.”
Contractors took delivery of the first load of rock from Mangatuna for the revetment, to shore the wall up even further, and that would start being put into place according to the plan Council has developed.
Council also overflew the site with a drone yesterday to more fully assess its extent and any further rubbish that had not been picked up.
“Work has proceeded really well and today we are likely to be moving more rock and metal across the road in preparation for building the rock revetment,” Mr Wilson said.
“The weather has helped and the sea is a lot calmer now than when the breaches occurred.”
He thanked the contractors and volunteers from Te Araroa who he said had picked up rubbish from the beach, later removed by the truckload.