Remember To Enter Your Car Number Plate Number For Free Parking
Even if you’re staying less than two hours, anyone parking in Blenheim or Picton needs to activate a Pay By Plate parking meter by entering their car plate registration number. This sends real-time data to the parking wardens’ hand-held devices and tells them when the parker arrived.
The Council’s ‘two hours free parking’ offer runs until 30 June, and was introduced to encourage people into the Picton and Blenheim CBDs, to help generate retail sales and hospitality activity as part of Marlborough’s COVID-19 recovery.
If someone parking would like to stay for longer than two hours, they need to return to the meter and make a payment. Alternatively, they can remotely use the PayMyPark phone app and make a payment, once their two hour free time has expired.
Those parking all day still need to pay the $4 all day tariff. The Alfred Street car park is included in the two hours free.
Please note the PayMyPark app can be used remotely to add credit after two hours if needed, or for the $4 all day parking, but it does not have the software functionality to provide the two hours free.
For streets with the old lollipop meters, the maximum parking time is P120. Parkers need to ensure they are adhering to the P120 maximum parking time.
Please phone the Council on 03 520 7400 or email if you require further advice or assistance.