Te Rarawa Appoints New CEO
Today Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa Chairperson, Haami Piripi, proudly announced the appointment of the new Te Rarawa Chief Executive Officer, Phillip Murray.
Haami said there had been considerable interest in the position and the Rūnanga was very pleased with the eventual selection of Phillip. He said it was gratifying to be able to find such a capable candidate from amongst our own iwi, and this appointment was an indication of advancing skill levels within our own constituency, combined with a ‘home grown’ understanding of the very real issues that face our people, both at home and in the cities.
Phillip begins his employment amid a national crisis. Iwi organisations are playing a prominent role in the regional and national response to Covid-19, which will allow Phillip the opportunity to immediately contribute his extensive knowledge and skills to the solution. Phillip has had a long career in people management and achieved results wherever he has applied his talents and abilities as a leader.
A local iwi member raised in Whangape and Ahipara, Phillip has been nurtured by well-known and respected Māori leaders of the Far North. He joins the Rūnanga from Wellington where he has served as a Senior Executive in the private sector. Haami said the Rūnanga was excited by his passion and look forward to working with Phillip to realise the aspirations of our elders and provide for the expectations of our new generations.
At the end of the day, Haami said, an iwi organisation must have relevance to the whānau who affiliate to it and be able to step up and provide for its members as first priority, especially in times like these when many of us are vulnerable to circumstances beyond our control.