Please Do Not Flush Wet Wipes
Hastings District Council is asking the community to stop flushing wet wipes after excessive amounts going through the system caused a blockage at the Clive wastewater plant last night.
It’s important that if you are disposing of wet wipes you make sure they go in the bin, not the toilet.
Although many say they are biodegradable, they are not suitable to be flushed. When flushed they make their way through pipes, pumpstations, and treatments plants in a matter of hours.
They cause blockages in the wastewater system that can result in wastewater overflowing onto properties and pollution of our waterways.
In addition to this, dealing with blockages during the lockdown puts our essential workers at risk of contracting COVID-19.
Remember, washing your hands well with soap is still the best level of prevention against the spread of COVID-19 (not wipes).