Waikato DHB has confirmed there are 45 COVID-19 cases in Matamata as of April 2. All have been linked either directly or indirectly to the Redoubt Bar.
Dr Kevin Snee, Waikato DHB Chief Executive, said the Community Based Assessment Centre (CBAC) set up in the town from Monday afternoon had assessed around 200 people by Wednesday evening.
“All cases have been linked either directly or indirectly to the Redoubt Bar. While the focal point remains the St Patrick’s Day celebration at the bar, it appears there was also some transmission at that site during the surrounding days as well.”
Dr Snee said the DHB expected the number would continue to shift as people presented for assessment and contact tracing work continued.
“The number of cases will likely be of concern to some residents but if they are following the national guidance to remain in lockdown and stay in their ‘bubble’, they will be keeping themselves and their families safe. If you do experience symptoms, immediately self-isolate from others in your ‘bubble’.”
Any Matamata residents with symptoms of COVID-19 should contact Healthline or their GP and visit their nearest CBAC. They should inform CBAC staff if they had attended the Redoubt Bar during the previous two weeks, or if they had close contact with anyone who had.
Anyone who visited Matamata in the previous two weeks and was now experiencing symptoms should also follow this instruction.