Waipareira Covid-19 Testing Station Opens In West Auckland
Te Whānau o Waipareira has set up a drive-in assessment centre in west Auckland to serve whānau who have reason to believe they are at risk of Covid-19.
The clinic opened at Whānau Centre today to test systems and ensure a smooth operation.
Subject to demand, the centre will be open Monday to Friday 8am-5pm.
The Covid Testing Station is not a general population testing centre.
So who should visit the Waipareira Covid Testing Station?
- People who have recently returned from overseas
- People who have been in close contact with someone who has recently returned from overseas
- People with a flu-like illness/infection who know of no other probable cause for the symptoms
Those who do not meet the Covid Testing Station criteria will be asked to leave, in order to ensure the service can be provided to those at higher risk of Covid-19.
Anyone who intends attending the Covid Testing Station, but is uncertain whether they meet the criteria, should first seek advice from Healthline (0800 358 5453) or their GP.
All those attending Whānau Centre need to arrive by private vehicle - ideally by themselves unless they need a caregiver as support. There is NO walk-in service.
Maori Wardens – who will be on traffic and security patrol - will be the first point of contact. They will direct whānau to clinical health nurses who will assess people while they wait. If appropriate, they will test by taking a swab from your nose of mouth.
“We have set up the Waipareira Covid Testing Station to ensure our whānau have fair access to Covid-19 tests,” said John Tamihere, CEO of Whānau Waipareira.
“It is of the utmost importance that we also protect our healthcare workers and their whānau. So we ask that anyone coming to the testing centre remains in their car, respects our medical staff and follow any instructions that they give.
“By standing together against Covid-19, we can slow the spread of the virus, and protect our vulnerable communities.”