KiwiRail welcomes investment in network
29 January 2020
KiwiRail welcomes the massive funding injection that will enable Auckland rail commuting to continue growing and take cars out of the city.
KiwiRail Group Chief Executive Greg Miller said: "These are exciting times for rail. Work starts immediately, and will be completed in about four years. We're delighted to have a continuum of funding that will enable us to plan and to recruit.
"This will also enable us to open our doors for cadets and apprentices.
"Auckland's passenger rail network already enables people to make 21.4m trips per year. When the CRL is finished, we expect another big jump in the number of people using rail to travel around the city. These major projects will help us get ready for that and underpin urban development.
"The 3rd main adds an extra rail line between Westfield and Wiri in South Auckland, a section of line that is congested with freight trains going to and from Ports of Auckland and Port of Tauranga, and increasingly frequent metro commuter services. For CRL to deliver the level of commuter service Auckland needs, the 3rd main is crucial.
"The Papakura to Pukekohe electrification will extend the metro network and help people move to more affordable commuter hubs away from the city. Currently the Auckland metro trains stop at Papakura and passengers have to switch to a diesel commuter train that runs between Papakura to Pukekohe. We expect electrification to enable people to stay on the same train on a more reliable service."