Ngāpuhi Hapū Assembly to continue in January 2020
Throughout 2019, the Hapū of Ngāpuhi have assembled on
three occasions since the conclusion of the Tūhono Evolved
Mandate process. The first hui, held at Kohewhata in January
2019, sought to establish how hapū could work together to
achieve a united and coordinated approach to Ngāpuhi issues
that affect all hapu. The second Assembly sought to extend
upon the work achieved at Kohewhata: this was hosted in
Whangarei in April. A Ngāpuhi Hapū Wānanga was hosted by
Whangaroa Papa Hapū, in August, at Otangaroa Marae. These
assemblies attracted participation by 140 to 300
Throughout these hui, it has been affirmed that only hapū may speak for hapū and a proposed unity of purpose has been identified as
"The Hapū of Ngāpuhi
have never ceded sovereignty to the Crown
and Ngāpuhi Hapū will never cede
A fourth opportunity for hapū and final hui in the agreed to timeline for the Ngāpuhi Hapū Assembly will be held 18 January 2020, to be hosted by Hokianga with details to be confirmed.