Holocaust Poll 7/8/2019
The Curia Market Research poll results released today
reveal a disconcerting level of ignorance and uncertainty
about the Holocaust in New Zealand, including that only 32%
of those aged under 30 know the number of Jews killed in the
Holocaust. Perhaps this is not surprising, given the lack of
widespread education about the Holocaust in New Zealand, the
proliferation of Holocaust revisionism and antisemitic
conspiracy theories on the internet, and the dwindling
number of survivors and those who can bear witness to this
blight on history and humanity. Given the frightening
increase in antisemitism and racism around the world, and as
we recall the horrific events of 15 March and other
incidents of white supremacist terrorism in recent times, it
seems that the need for more Holocaust education in schools
is greater than ever. We urge those with the power to
facilitate this, to consider doing