Starting this week - Youth suicide workshops Akl Wgtn & Chch
International expert Dr Jonathan Singer is delivering a series of practical workshops about youth suicide and steps to implement better/safer practices within our communities, schools and learning establishments. He also looks at the role that technology can have in engaging with young people and supporting them to live great lives.
These workshops are underpinned by the latest international research, practical experience from many years working with young people and a career dedicated to improving practice worldwide.
Jonathan is President-Elect of the influential American Association of Suicidology – and is the author of the 2015 Suicide in Schools: A Practitioner's Guide to Multi-level Prevention, Assessment, Intervention, and Postvention.
Check out these workshops and see how your organisation can be a part of the solution to suicide.
Lives Worth Living - this powerful
workshop provides a practical and up to date assessment of
what we know about youth suicide in 2019 by one of the
world's leading commentators on preventing youth suicide.
Not only will participants learn about current theories of
suicide and how those theories inform our work with suicidal
youth, it will explore upstream prevention and the idea that
we can save lives by identifying intervention moments before
a suicide attempt or death.
Book Now - Auckland &
Suicide in Schools - Suicide is the
second leading cause of death among young people 12 – 24
years. We believe we can change this! Schools are an ideal
location to identify and respond to suicide risk. Because of
the tension between the school’s educational mission and
the socio-emotional demands of addressing suicide risk,
school counselors often find themselves addressing suicidal
crises without clear institutional guidance and
Book Now - Auckland, Wellington &
Suicide & Technology - Identifying,
managing and responding to suicide risk in 2019 requires an
understanding of the role of technology. This workshop will
engage service providers in a thought-provoking discussion
about websites, apps, and technologies that are used to
increase and decrease suicide youth risk. We will talk about
how and when social media use might increase the likelihood
that youth will try to end their lives, and how social media
can be used to increase connection and reduce suicide
Book Now - Auckland
Our Presenter: Dr. Jonathan Singer
Jonathan Singer, Ph.D. is an associate professor of social work at Loyola University Chicago, President-Elect of the American Association of Suicidology, and coauthor of the 2015 text Suicide in Schools: A Practitioner's Guide to Multi-level Prevention, Assessment, Intervention, and Postvention. Since 1996, Dr. Singer has been a community mental health clinician, educator and researcher, much of that time providing crisis services to suicidal youth and their families. His podcast, the Social Work Podcast, has over 30,000 followers on social media and episodes are downloaded over one million times annually.