Royal Commission seek applicants for Survivor Advisory Group
The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of faith-based Institutions is seeking applications for the Survivor Advisory Group.
The Inquiry established on 12 November, will investigate the abuse and neglect of children, young people and vulnerable adults who were in the care of State and/or faith-based institutions in New Zealand between 1950 and 1999.
The Inquiry is Chaired by Sir Anand Satyanand. The Commissioners are Ali’imuamua Sandra Alofivae, Dr Andrew Erueti, Paul Gibson and Judge Coral Shaw.
The Survivor Advisory Group is one of the methods Commissioners will use to ensure the voice of survivors is heard and recognised through the work of the Inquiry.
The selection process will take into consideration the expertise and experience of applicants as well as the need to reflect the diversity of survivors and a variety of views.
The Survivor Advisory Group will provide advice directly to Commissioners. The Terms of Reference for the Survivor Advisory Group will be finalised at the first meeting.
• The group will meet face to face, for a full day, at least 4 times per year.
• Meetings will be held in either Auckland or Wellington.
• There may be additional and/or optional activities between meetings depending on the work programme of the group.
• Survivor Advisory Group terms of appointment will be for 18 months, after which membership will be refreshed.
• Survivor Advisory Group participants will receive a payment in acknowledgement of their time and expertise. All reasonable expenses will be funded by the Inquiry.
• Applications from survivors with diverse support needs are welcomed. All reasonable support costs will be funded by the Inquiry and we will work with successful applicants to meet their needs as appropriate. If you require support to make your application please contact us for assistance.
• Unsuccessful applicants will be eligible for other advisory roles as required to support the Inquiry and for future appointment to the Survivor Advisory Group.
• Applicants may be interviewed depending on the volume of interest received.
Expressions of Interest close on Sunday 31 March
For information on how to apply see our website
Please email your application to
Or send by post to PO Box 10071, The Terrace, Wellington 6143
To discuss the application process, for support in making your application, or for any other information please call our free phone number 0800 222 727 (phones are staffed from 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday).