#LoveMyPark hits the Kāpiti Coast
Kāpiti Coast
District Council’s Parks and Recreation officers have been
busy over the past week installing 10 selfie-posts in local
parks to make photo-taking easier and more fun for the
Parks and Recreation Manager Alison Law says she is excited for the new additions to the parksalong the coast.
“Living in the social media age where people are constantly posting photos to platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat, we tried to find a new and fun way to encourage people to get out and enjoy our natural spaces.”
Ms Law believes that Kāpiti Coast District’s selfie-posts are a New Zealand first and sees this as a fantastic initiative that she hopes will inspire people to explore our District’s parks and reserves.
“All selfie-posts have been installed specifically to take in the best view from that position in the park. Spectacular views of Kāpiti Island, Waikanae River, Kohekohe Forest, and Kaitawa Reserve are all featured,” Ms Law says. “And, in three of the 10 parks, there are also large frames that people can stand behind to take their photo. The one in the Ōtaki dog park even has a ledge for your furry friend to selfie, too.”
The selfie-posts are part of the #LoveMyPark series that includes local park events for all ages. To learn more about the series, and to see where all the selfie-posts are located along the Kāpiti Coast, go to https://www.kapiticoast.govt.nz/Our-District/Our-Community/Parks-and-Recreation/lovemypark/#selfie