Our beaches are safe for swimming
Map above shows areas where beach water quality testing takes place.
Waikato Regional Council’s (WRC) coastal scientists say the water quality at our beaches they monitor have been good for swimming this summer so far.
WRC is in the third year of its reactivated water quality monitoring programme at seven east coast and two west coast beaches, testing to see whether faecal bacteria levels are okay for contact recreation, such as swimming and surfing.
“Water quality at Waikato beaches is generally high but caution should be taken following heavy rain,” says WRC coastal water quality scientist, Dr Pete Wilson. “That’s because heavy rain flushes contaminants from urban and rural land into waterways, which then make their way to the coast.”
“While our monitoring programme isn’t picking up persistent issues, it helps provide assurance to the public going forward and tracks any trends or emerging issues,” said Dr Wilson.
We work with WRC and the Waikato District Health Board to identify any results that may have public health implications and then provide the public with the best quality information. Make sure you subscribe to our e-newsletters to get these updates or follow us on Facebook.
The testing will continue to be carried out until March. You can view the results at waikatoregion.govt.nz/coastalresults.