EPA releases annual 1080 report on aerial operations
The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has today released its report into the aerial use of 1080 during 2017, which details information on 50 aerial operations covering 875 hectares of land.
General Manager of the EPA’s Hazardous Substances Group Dr Fiona Thomson-Carter, says: “1080 remains one of the most strictly controlled hazardous substances in New Zealand and is a critical tool in the ongoing fight to protect our native birds from introduced predators – possums, rodents (rats and mice) and stoats.”
“While around 30 research projects continue to look at 1080 alternatives and ways to improve the targeting of pests, the EPA believes the current rules around 1080 keep people and the environment safe.
“The report includes information on 12 incidents of non-compliance with the rules, and three complaints reported to the EPA,” says Dr Thomson-Carter. “All 12 incidents were investigated and none posed significant risk to public health or the environment.”
“During 2016, there were 36 operations which covered a total of 1,051 hectares of land, due mainly to the Department of Conservation’s Battle for our Birds programme.”
Read the report on the EPA website.