Murder sentencing in Invercargill
Murder sentencing in Invercargill (+ McAllister family statement)
Attributable to Detective Senior Sergeant Stu Harvey, Invercargill Police:
Police acknowledges the sentences handed down in the Invercargill High Court today for the murder of Jack McAllister.
This case has been a tragedy for Jack's family, and the thoughts of the investigation team are with them at this time.
We are aware that the Invercargill community was heavily affected by this case and we are pleased that the people involved in Jack's death have been held accountable.
We hope this goes some way to providing some closure for those close to Jack.
I would personally like to thank the investigation team led by Detective Sergeants Sean Cairns and Scott McKenzie, along with the Crown Solicitor's Office.
This has been one of the largest homicide investigations in the history of Southland Police, and the result is testament to the hard work and dedication of the investigation and prosecution teams.
Statement from the McAllister family:
The McAllister family, Jack's primary caregivers, are devastated by the events that have unfolded over the last 18 months.
First the death of Jack, their beloved son, in such a traumatic and violent manner, then the inquiry and trial that followed, where a number of unsubstantiated allegations were made against Jack.
They wish it to be known that Jack is no longer here to dispute these allegations - he no longer has a voice.
Those that harmed Hack are able to say what they wish in defence of their actions in an ability to absolve themselves from responsibility.
It has been extremely difficult having to listen to the manner in which Jack's character was portrayed.
No family should have to go through that without an ability to respond.
It is Jack and our families that suffer as our loving son is no longer on this world.
We wish to thank the people that got to know Jack and who understood and supported him when he was going through his traumatic life.
In conclusion, there are no words that can adequately convey the impact of Jack's death on our lives; our heart aches with sadness and love for a young man that we were privileged to have been the primary providers of care and love of.
In many ways we know he had a very tormented life and suffered from many cognitive and mental disabilities.
Sadly he is now at peace - RIP.