112 buildings with ACP identified in Wellington
In 2017 the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment investigated the use of aluminium-composite panels (ACP) on New Zealand buildings. To assist with that work, Wellington City Council has investigated buildings featuring ACP around the city.
The investigation was prompted by the Grenfell Tower fire disaster in London in July 2017.
The City Council’s investigation has confirmed the exteriors of 112 buildings in Wellington City feature ACP to a greater or lesser degree.
None of the 112 buildings presents significant concerns in terms of the presence of ACP and the safety of occupants.
The list of buildings is attached.
The Council’s Building Compliance Manager, Chris Scott, says about 4800 building files across the city were reviewed. Those buildings that were identified through this process were then visually checked to confirm there was an ACP type cladding present.
Mr Scott says the Council has taken some months to make the ACP list public because it has been working with building owners, Fire and Emergency New Zealand and fire safety experts to ensure the status of all buildings is fully understood and owners have had a chance to provide information to occupants.
The 112 buildings range from properties with varying levels of exterior ACP cladding on their facades to premises where the presence of ACP may be limited to some exterior signage.
“In summary we have found that no building gives us significant concerns in terms of the presence of ACP and the safety of occupants.
“The multi-storey buildings with elements of ACP have generally been built in the past three decades and feature a variety of life safety features that allow occupants time to evacuate the building in the event of fire.”