Ngati Ruanui will continue to fight against Seabed Mining
Ngati Ruanui will continue to fight against
Seabed Mining in South
Runanga o Ngati Ruanui Trust has been informed that
Tran-Tasman Resources Limited (TTR) will appeal against the
recent High Court at Wellington decision.
Ngati Ruanui kaiarataki Debbie Ngarewa-Packer says Ngati Ruanui will continue to lead the charge in this fight to protect our ocean environment.
“We’ve fought and won this battle twice now. We shouldn’t have to keep fighting it but we will.”
On Tuesday August 28, 2018, The High Court at Wellington announced it would not allow TTR to mine iron sand in the South Taranaki bight, and returned the consent to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Decision Making Committee (DMC) for reconsideration using several points of law missing during the original consideration.
“TTR will have difficulty on appeal regarding the approach taken to adaptive management - and the associated finding that there was insufficient environmental information.
“The High Court has clearly indicated that the EPA did not get things right to start with,” Ngarewa-Packer says.
“Continuing to lead this kaupapa and battle against this controversial and untested practice is the only right thing to do. We need to ensure future generations can enjoy our beaches.
“It’s never about today, it’s got to be about tomorrow.”
Ngati Ruanui chairman Haimona Maruera Jr says he would like to thank those would continue to support Iwi endeavours to prevent Seabed Mining in South Taranaki.
“Without our uri, descendants, community and the encouragement they provide, it would be so much tougher to keep pushing back against this challenge.”
Ngarewa-Packer says “the
environmental risks haven’t changed just because another
court will now be reviewing this, neither have any other
factors. We remain opposed. We continue to fight for the