Media Statement Toitū Hauora 4 September 2018
Toi te kupu, Toi te mana, Toitū te whenua is the theme to Te Rau Matatini’s 2018 Toitū Hauora Māori Health Leadership Summit being held in Dunedin. A two day conference commencing today, the array of Māori Leaders who will present, will indeed show the tangible outcomes and inspiring work across the health and education sectors.
In a celebration of being Māori, the theme provides a well-known expression to emphasise “Holding fast to our culture, to our mana, our language and our land – as it is the essence of who we are as Māori” says CEO Maria Baker.
This the first time for the conference to be held in the South Island, so it has a deliberate Southland flare with well-known locals contributing to the conversations and evidence base about leadership. Presenters over the two days include; Sir Mason Durie, Dr Hana O’Regan, Dr Darryn Russell, Donna Matahaere-Atariki, Hinewirangi Kohu-Morgan, Moe Milne, Tina Winikerei and Remedy Wall. With special guest appearances by Ministers Honourable Nanaia Mahuta and Honourable David Clark. Concluding with a Māori Leadership Award Ceremony.