A Plan to Finance Purchase of Lilydale Station
A Plan to Finance Purchase of Lilydale Station for the Nation via a Crowd Funding Campaign Being Explored
After recently hearing about the sale of Lilydale Station in South Canterbury, John Overton, an artist & conservationist from Christchurch reckons all kiwis should be able to enjoy what this pristine environment has to offer. This has motivated him to explore the possibility of financing the purchase of this property for New Zealand through a crowd funding campaign.
If support from the Government, DOC, Ecan, Ngai Tahu, Forest & Bird & other interested parties is forthcoming, then a ‘Give a Little’ crowd funding campaign will be launched before the end of August.
The aims of this undertaking will be to raise about 3.5 million dollars to finance the purchase of the property & to collaborate with other interested parties in the setting up a suitable Trust to manage & oversee the campaign.