Waste decisions coming up
Waste decisions coming up
The team
charged with tackling the reduction of rubbish going to
landfill has completed day two of the hearing of
Made up of councillors from Napier and Hastings, the committee is hearing verbal submissions and considering written submissions over four days, ending 2pm on Wednesday (June 20).
The committee has complex issues to address as it looks to encourage responsible management and minimisation of waste, said Hastings deputy mayor and committee chairman Tania Kerr. “We are starting from a point that we want to dramatically reduce the amount of rubbish – particularly green waste – going into landfill. What we are trying to do is identify the best way to do this.”
It is estimated that more than half of the rubbish in the landfill is green waste which, in landfill conditions, does not break down efficiently and is a major contributor to methane gas emissions.
With 6165 submissions from the two areas, it is obvious that a great number of our people are very interested in and very passionate about the subject,” said Mrs Kerr.
Submissions have addressed a vast array of issues, from the size and portability of bins and alternatives to bins, to the frequency of pick-ups and the lobbying of central Government to address reducing waste at source.
From mid-afternoon tomorrow, the committee will go into deliberation. It is expected draft decisions will be made in time to go before the Hastings council in August and Napier council in September.