Golden Bay Grand Stand Community Trust
Golden Bay Grand Stand Community Trust (GBGSCT) have formally asked Tasman District Council (TDC) new CEO Janine Dowding to review the decision made at the full council meeting of 24 May 2018 regarding demolition of the Golden Bay grandstand.
Had the decision been based on correct, up to date information and open discussion it would be acceptable. However, anyone reading the staff report would think that the grandstand had a seismic rating of less than 34% NBS and that the 1970's squash court was part of the 1899 grandstand. Neither is true.
While presenting to TDC over 1000 signatures of support for the grandstand the Trust acknowledges this is not a popularity contest. The Golden Bay grandstand is the only remaining barrel vaulted roofed grandstand on its original site in all of New Zealand - Tasman District should be proud of it.