Hastings: Art on walls; call for designs
Art on walls; call for
Two massive blank
walls are about to become the largest public art works in
Hastings – with a call going out to artists to submit
their designs.
“The art will add vibrancy, colour and heart to our beautiful district”, said Hastings mayor Sandra Hazlehurst.
The two ‘canvases’ are the side wall of 108 Eastbourne Street East (approximately 180m2), and the outside west wall of the Village Pool in Havelock North (approximately 50m2). It is expected that the works will be of a size that cover the entire spaces.
Artists are being called on for designs, which need to relate to the space they are in, telling the story of their location, which could be cultural and architectural, historical or environmental.
The design should also draw inspiration from Hastings Landmarks themes, which recognise the importance of public art and culture, architecture, landscape and natural features and heritage.
“We are looking for something that captures who we are as a community,” said Mrs Hazlehurst. “While this project is not limited to local artists, we do have extremely talented people within our district. I hope some very inspired designs from within our people are put forward, with a very strong local focus. I’m looking forward to seeing the artist on-site while they oversee the installation."
Submissions will be judged by Hastings District Council representatives, including members of the Hastings Landmarks Trust and Arts Inc. Heretaunga.
The successful artist or artists will be paid for their work, and will be responsible for overseeing the project including the development and delivery. Council will prepare the site to ensure the surface is ready for the application of the art work.
More information www.hastingsdc.govt.nz/hastings/about-hastings/public-art
For information on Hastings Landmarks themes see: www.hastingsdc.govt.nz/hastings/about-hastings/landmarks