MBIE determination on automatic pool safety covers
MBIE determination on automatic pool safety covers
22 March 2018
Marlborough District Council has received MBIE’s determination on automatic pool safety covers and has accepted the Ministry’s findings.
Building Control Manager Bill East says the Council can no longer accept automatic pool covers as an alternative to compliant fence barriers.
“Council will not be able to approve any new modifications to allow the use of automatic pool covers as an alternative to compliant pool fencing under the Building Code.”
“We are disappointed in this outcome as the use of automatic safety pool covers in the Marlborough District has proven its suitability since 1999. However Council must follow the ruling of the determination.”
The Council will contact all 200 affected pool owners.
“Owners of pools with expired pool cover exemptions will be advised that they must apply for a building consent to install a compliant pool barrier. Pool owners whose exemptions or modifications have yet to expire will be advised that they will need to apply for a building consent to install a compliant pool barrier by the expiry date.”
Council won’t appeal the decision but will seek clarification on the implications for recently approved modifications. There are 20 pool owners whose modifications were granted since 1 January 2017, when the law changed.
Council would also support any review of the Building Act to include the use of automatic pool safety covers.