Accessible Properties - more housing in Tauranga

Published: Mon 22 Jan 2018 12:21 PM
Accessible Properties - more housing in Tauranga, the country's most unaffordable city
Media Release
22 January 2018
Accessible Properties is committed to helping ease the pressure on housing in Tauranga by building more homes.
The New Zealand Herald is reporting today that Tauranga has now outranked Auckland as New Zealand’s most unaffordable city according to a major global study – the annual Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey.
Accessible Properties is New Zealand’s largest non-government social housing provider and took over more than 1100 houses from Housing New Zealand in April last year. It is already working hard to help make sure as many homes as possible are available to those who need them.
There is pressure at every level says Accessible Properties’ General Manager, Tauranga, Vicki McLaren. “More people need emergency housing, more need social housing and this survey goes to show that it’s taking longer for people to move into owning their own homes - we have a bottle neck.”
“Since taking over the former state houses in Tauranga we have already added three homes to the number we offer and have many more in the planning phase. We will deliver an additional 150 homes in the years ahead.
“In Tauranga everyone is aware of the need for more affordable housing. We are part of a group including representatives of local and central government, Iwi and social support organisations working to end homelessness in the city. We also support the Smart Growth initiative.
“Tauranga is a great city in which to live,” says Vicki McLaren. “But we are all working together on a number of initiatives to try to ease the pressure on housing.
“We are determined to do our best to make sure good quality homes are available to everyone – especially those families and individuals who need some extra support to be able to afford a home that works for them.”

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