Cats are hottest topic in bylaw review
The subject of microchipping and de-sexing cats
attracted the most submissions for Palmerston North City
Council’s Draft Animals and Bees Bylaw Review. Fifty-six
submissions were received with the majority of them relating
to the proposed rules around cats.
Ann-Marie Mori, PNCC Policy Analyst said, “Over two-thirds of the submissions related to cats, particularly in the area of introducing mandatory de-sexing and micro-chipping of cats. The submissions received showed strong support for mandatory de-sexing and a high level of support for micro-chipping. We also received a mixed response to proposing all urban properties, regardless of the property size, would require a permit for more than three cats.”
The submissions
also included a number of suggestions in matters relating to
cat curfews and containment, which will be presented to
Council to consider.
Nine submissions were received about
roosters, with the Draft proposing a new rule allowing
people to keep roosters in Ashhurst, Bunnythorpe, Linton and
Longburn, or with a permit in the city.
Bees and beehives on properties attracted eight submissions, some suggesting they should require a permit, or questioning whether they should be allowed in urban areas.
“Overall we have received good quality and comprehensive submissions raising some valid points and issues. We predicted issues around cats would generate a high level of feedback.
We also have taken note of the large number of comments and feedback posted on our social media sites.”
A Hearing for the submissions is planned for March and the new Bylaw is expected to be adopted in May.
Consultation for the Council’s Dog Control Policy opens on January 27.