Parking changes planned for Albany
5 December 2017
Parking changes planned for Albany
Parking changes are on the way for Albany and they’ll be timed to coincide with public transport upgrades.
Auckland Transport (AT) will introduce a paid parking zone for Albany in late 2018 after the New Network for bus services takes effect. The New Network will mean better bus connections to the Northern Busway at Albany:
AT undertook extensive public consultation in April 2017, the feedback highlighted concerns around public transport in the area and the availability of parking.
The paid parking zone will manage demand for parking in Albany including near the busway station. On-street parking will be charged at $1.00 per hour from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, with no limit on how long vehicles can park. A 10-minute grace period will allow for pick-ups and drop offs, and existing loading zones and mobility parking are not affected.
AT Group Manager, Parking Services and Compliance, John Strawbridge says, “Paid parking will help manage demand and improve availability while providing flexibility for people to park as long as they need.”
He says Auckland Transport will wait until after the introduction of the New Network to put in the paid parking zone and it is also investigating the possibility of a local shuttle service to improve connections within Albany.
AT has several other projects underway to improve park and ride capacity and ease pressure on parking in the area.
Mr Strawbridge says an addition to the Hibiscus Coast Park and Ride is under construction and AT is seeking funding to increase the capacity of the Albany Park and Ride.
Parking at the Westfield and Megamall facilities, North Harbour Stadium, Hooton Reserve, or at the Albany Park and Ride, is not included in the paid parking zone.
Information on the project, including the public feedback report, is available on the AT website:
The new app for iPhone and Android, AT Park, is now available to provide a way to pay for parking without coins. This is available on the AT website: