Parnell Waiters' Race Returns This Sunday
Parnell Waiters' Race Returns This Sunday
The Parnell hospitality sector has once again challenged all Auckland restaurants in a well-respected international event that acknowledges the profession of waiters.
This free event for all kicks off at 11.00am in Fraser Park Parnell. Waiters will race against each other in a series of activities up and down Parnell Road to see who gets to hold the coveted title of ‘best waiter in Auckland’ and take away the amazing first prize - A trip to London in May 2018 with an automatic entry into the National Waiters’ Race in Hyde Park, thanks to House of Travel Parnell.
The day is not only for our City’s best waiters’ but also for anyone who adores food truck festivities and the chance to win amazing prizes like the Everdure Cube by Heston Blumenthal! Fraser Park will transform into hive of delicious food activity with some of your favourite ‘foodie trucks’ parked up on-site to keep your taste buds happy.
Crepe Creations, Wise Boys, Double Dutch Fries, The Rolling Pin, RAWE, Lalele Organics, Bow and Tie are just a few that will have their ‘pay and display’ parking sorted to keep you and yours happy while supporting the waiters and enjoying Fraser Park!
This Sunday, November 12
Fraser Park, Parnell