Foxton’s Library Books are on the move
2 November 2017
Foxton’s Library Books are on the move
Foxton’s library books are being relocated to their new home in Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom.
Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom is set to open on 18 November 2017 and will be Foxton's Community Hub and home to the new and improved Foxton Library and Service Centre.
Residents have been waiting patiently for the new library and the new innovative space.
Hannah Street, a member of the Friends of Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom, says “I have been passionate about this project since I was 15 years old. As a student I had to travel to Levin to use the library as Foxton’s Library was small and there were never events or activities for kids my age to take part in.”
“Being in a small town kids often get into trouble as there is nothing for them to do. There were no holiday programmes being offered for children because of the size of the facility” Miss Street said.
Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom will be a safe place, which kids are excited to go to. There will be nice spaces to hang out, new books to read, and an annual calendar of activities and events.
Horowhenua District Chief Executive David Clapperton says Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom is a facility unlike any other in New Zealand. It is more than just a new library. We have combined services for local people and visitors to create a sustainable visitor attraction which will deliver value to our community into the future.
“We will be supporting our local community by offering an innovative safe space they can enjoy along with a facility that will attract national and international visitors.”
“As there are a lot of books to move we need to close the library and service for a short time”
The Library and Service centre will be closed from Friday, 10 November at 5pm and resume normal trading on Saturday 18 November at 12pm at Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom.
If residents need council assistance they are encouraged to call 06 366 0999, check out Council's website, or pop over and see council staff in the Levin office.
If residents have have run out of rubbish bags they can buy these at Foxton New World.
“We hope this temporary closure doesn’t cause our community any inconvenience and look forward to welcoming them into the new Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom facility at the official opening on 18 November 2017”.
Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom is home to:
Piriharakeke Generation Inspiration Centre, a Māori museum,
arts and learning centre that will celebrate the stories and
taonga of Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga and the local Māori
community. This is being developed and managed by Te Taitoa
Māori o Te Awahou Trust.
· Oranjehof Dutch
Connection Centre, New Zealand’s National Dutch Museum
that will inform, educate and inspire New Zealand about its
Dutch connections. This is being developed and supported by
the Dutch Connection Trust.
· Foxton Community
Hub is the living room for the Foxton community. The
Community Hub will house:
the Foxton Library
Foxton i-SITE Visitor Information Centre
the Horowhenua
District Council Customer Service Centre.
· A
temporary gallery with changing exhibitions.
Bookable meeting rooms.
· Café and retail
Opening Information
Everyone is welcome to
attend the opening of Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom.
10am - Powhiri - Official Ceremony
12 – 3pm - Community Festival
· Live performances - including Kapa
haka groups and Dutch Dancers
· Food
· Children’s area with Bouncy castles
and activities
· Foxton Horse Drawn Tram
Community stalls.