MyStory Event Heralds Young Pacific Voices
MyStory Event Heralds Young Pacific Voices
SouthSeas Healthcare Trust, in collaboration with the Office of the Children’s Commission, is hosting the MyStory event in South Auckland on Tuesday, 31 October 2017 at the Otara Recreational Centre, culminating in a special dinner to celebrate SouthSeas Healthcare Trust’s 18th anniversary.
event will bring together around 100 participants, including
young people from South Auckland, and focuses on intense
youth issues, such as social inclusion, with a clear
emphasis on personal storytelling.
Judge Andrew Becroft,
Children’s Commissioner says MyStory is all about
honouring Pacific youth, children and young peoples’
“It is an event that honours and celebrates the young people of South Auckland and recognises the importance of their stories to engage, motivate and inspire others and enable today’s generation shape solutions for today’s challenges.”
SouthSeas Healthcare Chief Executive Silao Vaisola-Sefo says the MyStory event stems from a collective of resources coupled with personal experiences of young people, schools, youth programmes and community providers, to help address the common and emerging theme heard across the stories shared, which revolves around communication.
“This is an event that allows our young people to tell their personal stories, challenges, and successes they face on a daily basis. The stories of our Pacific ancestors have been well articulated, including their migration story to this land, but the story of tomorrow through our youth lens is never acknowledged unless there is a problem.”
“The emphasis of the MyStory event is not only to celebrate young Pacific people’s voices, but also to allow them to share their thoughts and hopefully improve public awareness of the importance of their contribution to society.”
“MyStory pays tribute to our young people and inspires them to be confident and courageous and to openly share with others their personal journeys, successes and life challenges they have faced.”
“Storytelling is also about providing a platform for our Pacific communities to offer hope, understanding and vital information to enable a call for action. The event is a significant part in our collective Pacific journey heading forward.”
The MyStory events
hopes to ensure young people can understand the value of
their story when sharing and acquire the support and skills
to further develop their stories by understanding the
mechanics behind responding to another young person’s