Māori Zero Waste Gathering in Kawhia
Māori Zero Waste Gathering in Kawhia
17th October 2017
“We are excited to bring Para Kore’s Hui ā-Tau to Kawhia this month. The hui brings together people from across Aotearoa working towards Zero Waste on marae and in the community” says Jacqui Forbes, kaihautū matua for Para Kore.
“This year’s theme is kaitiakitanga. We will explore what it means to look after our environment: how can we protect our precious resources, our precious atmosphere, our relationships to each other and our connections to resources. We’ll share stories and experiences of our journey towards Zero Waste and inspire each other to care for Rangi and Papa.”
The hui will be held at Maketu Marae in Kawhia from 27-29 October 2017.
Speakers include rongoā practitioner Pā Ropata (Rob McGowan) from Ngā Whenua Rāhui, entrepreneur Kay-Maree Dunn, Marty Hoffart (chair of Community Recycling Network Aotearoa) and climate change activist Teanau Tuiono. There will be over 20 workshops including topics such as freshwater monitoring, rongoā Māori, going plastic bag free, how to prevent food waste, event recycling, making household cleaning products and composting.
“Registration for our hui are still open and we would love to see as many people as possible at Kawhia. We want to influence people towards seeing rubbish as a precious resource” concludes Jacqui Forbes.