New City Reservoir About to Be Operational
New City Reservoir About to Be Operational
The new Aokautere water supply reservoir and pumping station will start operating early next week. The 2,500m3 reservoir, located in the hills behind Pacific Drive is the most important part of the Aokautere Water Supply Improvement Project. The reservoir will provide a new gravity point of supply to the Aokautere and Linton areas and replaces the current aged and undersized Summerhill pump station.
As the reservoir begins to operate, there will be a change in the direction of water flow in the Pacific Drive water-main. The change in the direction of water flow has the potential to stir up some sediment in the pipes and cause some discolouration of the water in the Aokautere and Linton areas.
Council will work to minimise this risk by gradually introducing the new reservoir supply and reducing the flow from the Summerhill pump station and are not anticipating any issues.
If anyone does however, notice discoloured water, they are advised to flush all the taps in their property until the water runs clear.
If after 15 minutes of running the taps, the water is still discoloured, please notify Council’s Customer Services Centre on (06) 356 8199.
Council will arrange for flushing of the water mains in these zones to quickly remove any discoloured water and return the water quality to normal.