Edible garden a NZ leader
Edible garden an NZ
The annual Bostock
Edible Garden Show touches almost all sectors of our society
– from gardeners, foodies and lifestyle block owners, to
tots (through pre-school programmes), tertiary students
(through a design competition) and families interested in
healthy living.
Hastings District Council is again supporting the event, donating $10,000 from its Contestable Grants Fund this month. The fund is distributed annually to groups developing or delivering a community service or project which fits with Council’s aim of “building a safe, liveable, sustainable community specifically”. Council is profiling successful applicants from this year’s grants round.
The edible garden show is owned and run by the Hawke’s Bay A&P Society, organised by business development manager Hillary Riches. Entry to the two day show is free and this year attracted more than 8000 visitors. It is held in late March/early April, to coincide with produce coming ready for harvesting and preserving.
The submission to the fund said the show, held every year at the Hawke’s Bay A&P Showgrounds in Hastings, was the only national event dedicated to the edible garden. It was focused on showing people the advantages of eating fresh, local, seasonal food – and how to grow and prepare it.
Demonstrations are a big part of the show, featuring a range of different topics each year; from making jams, freezing garden produce and cheese making, to bug control, herb gardens, landscape design and composting. Next year’s show will also feature ‘the pop up town farm’ with topics covering practical advice on keeping productive animals including bees and poultry.
The overarching aims of the show are to deliver a free community event to promote healthy lifestyles for families, and to celebrate and promote the district’s productive bounty and diversity to a local and national audience.
That national interest is steadily growing as the show hits its five year milestone, with niche national magazines covering it and national sponsors coming on board, says Ms Riches. “It is a blend of a showcase for the best of our produce and practical advice on how to grow that produce, then use it and preserve it. It is the best of both worlds.”
Contestable Fund
Hastings District Council
Annual Contestable Funding Round 2018
District Council encourages and invites local community
groups and organisations to work with Council as a
contributor to meeting the current and future needs of our
community. If your organisation is delivering projects or
services that address the following needs of our community
then, we invite you to apply to our Annual Contestable
The Hastings District Council’s Community Grants
Subcommittee considers supporting projects or services which
• Develop youth into training and job
• Assist new and existing businesses to
provide local jobs
• Provide help and advice for people
in need due to aging and/or adverse
• Make improvements to the district which
will attract visitors, students and businesses Provide
programmes that reduce littering, wasting resources, and
• Promote participation in recreation, arts, and
cultural activities
Applications open February 1
and close March 31 each year, for grants which available
from July 1 each year.
For more information see: