Clear Flaws in Let’s Get Welly Moving’s Scenario
Save The Basin Campaign: Clear Flaws in Let’s Get Welly Moving’s Scenario
The Save the Basin Campaign has welcomed the public release of Let’s Get Welly Moving’s long list of scenarios for the future of Wellington transport.
But spokesperson Tim Jones is concerned that some vital questions appear to have been ignored during the assessment process.
“First of all,” Tim Jones said, “Let’s Get Welly Moving didn’t release these scenarios until they were forced to by an Official Information Act request. If NZTA, Greater Wellington and Wellington City Council genuinely want informed public debate, they should have released these scenarios and workshop notes as soon as possible after the workshops in November 2016, not waited until June 2017 to do so.”
“Second, from the material released, it looks like some vital questions have not been asked during the assessment process. No consideration appears to have been given to either climate change or other public health issues, such as the excess deaths caused by pollution, especially from diesel engines.
“Both the Government and the local authorities have commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions – why hasn’t the need to meet these commitments been put front and centre when developing and assessing these scenarios?” Tim Jones asked.
In terms of the Basin Reserve, Tim Jones said “We’re pleased that none of the scenarios appear to show a Basin Reserve flyover. But there is far too little detail shown in the material that’s publicly released to be sure what’s planned for the Basin. We need to see detailed proposals.”
In conclusion, Tim Jones said “The
Basin Bridge Board of Inquiry made it very clear that
assessment of alternative transport options needs to be
thorough, transparent and replicable. We’re not sure that
Let’s Get Welly Moving’s scenario development and
assessment process has met those criteria, and we’ll be
watching their next steps very