Building consents online service set to launch
15 June 2017
Building consents online service set to launch
Palmerston North City Council will be launching a new building consents online service on 28 June.
Customers will now be able to submit and track their consents online through a new streamlined building consent process.
“Online building consents will not only be easier to process, but will be faster and cheaper over time,” says PNCC Customer Services General Manager Peter Eathorne.
Council has worked closely with local firm AlphaOne to implement the online service.
Council has worked alongside a group of leading building representatives to transform the way building consents are processed and managed in the city.
If you lodge electronically it will eliminate the current charges for scanning, printing and file management.
Shane McEldowney of Presidential Homes has chaired the industry liaison group for the project.
Presidential Homes builds pre-fabricated houses from its factory in Jasper Place, which are transported to sites throughout the region and lower North Island.
“We’ve had a really positive response about the shift online, from both industry representatives and members of the public. This new service is going to allow us to track what stage each building consent is at,” says Mr McEldowney.
“We are often working under tight timeframes, so anything that expedites the consent process is a real positive for the industry as a whole.”
For customers who don’t have the ability to lodge consents electronically, a customer hub will be set up in the Customer Service Centre within the Council’s main building in The Square.
“This new initiative is just one way Council is helping to promote City development and economic growth, and demonstrates Council’s commitment to improving customer service,” says Mr Eathorne.