Kauaeranga Valley Flood Closures
Kauaeranga Valley Flood Closures
The Kauaeranga Valley and adjoining catchments have experienced heavy levels of rainfall in the last four days. Over 500mm of rain has fallen at the Pinnacles Hut in the last 72 hours with up to 200mm more expected until Sunday.
The Kauaeranga Valley Road and Kauaeranga Kauri Trail track have been extensively damaged. Damage to other tracks and structures in the Valley and across public conservation land in the Coromandel is currently unknown.
For reasons of public safety while we assess damage and begin remedial work, all of the tracks, campgrounds and huts in the Kauaeranga Valley and the Kauaeranga Valley Road from the Visitor Centre onwards are closed until further notice.
If you are planning to use any other tracks in the area, extreme caution is advised as they may have been affected by the extreme weather.
may include unstable track surfaces, slips, windfalls, etc.
All hut and campsite bookings can be refunded. For further
information or if you need a refund for a booking, please
contact the Kauaeranga Visitor Centre on 07 867 9080. The
Visitor Centre will remain open during this time.