Have your say on mountain bike master plan
7 November 2016
Have your say on mountain bike
master plan
From today, Wellingtonians will be able to give their views on the proposed development of Makara Peak Mountain Bike Park.
Wellington City Council’s Manager of Parks, Sport and Recreation, Paul Andrews, says Makara Peak Mountain Bike Park is award-winning and world-class, and the purpose of this plan is to reinforce that reputation for the future.
“We want to create opportunities for riders to spend more time at the park and have a greater choice of trails to ride. And that’s for all ages and skill levels – whether they want to get into the wilderness, ride with their mates, or just go as fast as they can.”
Subject to funding the plan
· Developing 25 new track sections (16
kilometres) over the next ten years and upgrading 3.5
kilometres of existing tracks. This will enable the park to
accommodate up to 1000 people per day.
· Make the
main entrance on South Karori Road more of a hub for
visitors to Makara Peak. It is proposed to increase parking
for up to 36 cars as well as an area for overflow parking.
The design will also allow for space between bikers and
· Develop more picnic/rest areas and
shelter throughout the Park
Makara Peak is made up of 250 hectares of bush clad hillside at the western end of Karori. It contains around 40 kilometres of bike trails within a regenerating native forest.
Since it was established in 1998, the Makara Peak Mountain Bike Park has grown to become the region’s most significant mountain bike destination. The park was established for mountain biking, but it is also used by local runners and walkers.
The park is managed in partnership with Makara Peak Supporters, who have built and resourced most of the track network and manage an extensive habitat restoration project.
People can find out more and have their say by going to wellington.govt.nz/haveyoursay.
Copies of the draft policy and submission forms are also available at the Service Centre 101 Wakefield Street, libraries or by phoning 04 499 4444. Consultation closes at 5pm, Monday 12 December 2016.