Zero Waste hui to take place in Parihaka (Taranaki)
Zero Waste hui to take place in Parihaka (Taranaki)
"We are excited to bring Para Kore’s Hui ā-Tau to Parihaka in Taranaki this month for the first time. The hui brings together people from across Aotearoa working towards Zero Waste on marae and in the community." says Jacqui Forbes, General Manager for Para Kore.
"This year’s theme is whakapapa. We’ll explore our relationships to each other and our connections to resources. We’ll share stories and experiences of our journey towards Zero Waste and inspire each other to care for Rangi and Papa."
The hui will be held at Parihaka from 28-30 October 2016. Speakers include Tina Ngata, Dennis Ngawhare-Pounamu, Marie Doorbar, Denise Roche, Te Kawa Robb, Marianna Tyler, Karl Russell, Grant Steven and musical entertainment by Beneath the Words.
"A highlight are our hands-on workshops. Sustainability projects at Parihaka, such as the recycling and composting, and the expanding community gardens and food forest will be part of the weekend. Light-earth builder Grant Steven, a tutor at the Northland Polytech, will demonstrate how to build walls using raupō. Karl Russell, from Ngāi Tahu, who has lived off the land his whole life and has eaten every Māori kai you can think of, will discuss food gathering and the importance of looking after our environment. Marie Doorbar (Te Atiawa) is a rongoa teacher and will share her expertise during the hui."
"Registrations for our hui are still open and we would love to see as many people as possible at Parihaka. We want to influence people towards seeing rubbish as a precious resource." concludes Jacqui Forbes.