Regenerate Christchurch must focus on the big picture

Published: Thu 29 Sep 2016 11:27 AM
29 September 2016
For immediate release
Regenerate Christchurch must focus on the big picture and people
Regenerate Christchurch must stay focused on the big picture and people of Christchurch when planning for the Avon River red zone, says community group Greening the Red zone.
Regenerate Christchurch today announced it had divided the Avon River red zone into three areas, for which it will develop individual plans. It is starting with a draft outline for the area from the Avon Loop to Stanmore Rd.
But Greening the Red Zone says the best outcome for all of Christchurch needs a focus on the entire Avon River red zone as a whole.
“Time and again, the public have said a return to nature and the Eastern Cycle and Walkway Network are their most popular proposals for the red zone,” says Greening the Red Zone co-chair Ashley Campbell. “Both of these are city-to-sea concepts, and need to be implemented across the entire red zone.
“It’s understandable that Regenerate Christchurch wants to start somewhere and build momentum, and we’re pleased it’s made that start. But it’s absolutely vital to keep a clear focus on the big picture.
“Any proposals for one area must be integrated with what happens across the entire Avon River red zone, otherwise it risks a piecemeal outcome that fails to achieve the best result for all of Christchurch.”
Greening the Red Zone also urges Regenerate Christchurch to begin widespread public consultation sooner rather than later.
“Widespread community engagement doesn’t happen until step 3 of this plan, but people want to be involved now,” Ms Campbell says. “Again, we understand the need to develop a correct process, but the public need to be at the centre of that process from the beginning.
“We know that Regenerate Christchurch wants the best outcome for all of Christchurch. We just ask it to keep that in mind when looking at each sector, and not lose sight of the big picture.”
You can read more about Greening the Red Zones proposal for a return to nature throughout the Avon River red zone at

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