Consultation to shape Suburban Parking Policy
Consultation to shape Suburban Parking Policy
Click to view the video on the Council’s website.
The Council is seeking community input on how we should manage our suburban road space through a survey on suburban parking that opens today.
The survey explores different ways of addressing parking demand in our growing suburban areas.
Richard Osborne, Head of Planning and Strategic Transport says, “Our suburban streets play an important role for both residents and the city as a whole. They provide space for people to move around the city, green space, places to meet and socialise, and they often provide parking.
“The Council manages more than 2,300km of roads so getting the balance right between these competing demands for road space is an important challenge.”
The survey on suburban parking is the first stage towards developing a Christchurch-wide approach to address demand for public space in suburban streets and Council car parks. The overall aim is to provide more innovative and consistent solutions to parking issues that make suburban areas more pleasant and cohesive places to be.
“The survey asks the community to consider issues such as commercial parking in suburban areas, mobility parking, and houses with no off-street parking, and the Council’s role in managing these issues,” says Mr Osborne.
“We are keen to hear about different ways to resolve parking issues and any issues we may have missed.”
Feedback and ideas put forward through the survey will shape the development of a draft Suburban Parking Policy to better manage parking on suburban streets. The draft policy will be consulted on and amended again before it is used to inform future decisions on suburban parking issues.
The survey is open until Thursday 15 September. Further information about the suburban parking consultation is available on the Council’s website
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