Johnny Overton to run for Mayor of Wellington
Guerrilla Gardener Johnny Overton Will Represent the Localisation Party in the Wellington Mayoral Race
Johnny Overton, a fringe dwelling guerrilla gardener, artist & political activist, will represent the ‘Localisation Party’ in Wellington’s mayoral race.
His ‘voice in the wilderness’ role in the election has been partly inspired by the view that: a messy end to the world as we know it is inevitable, but if NZ rejects globalisation & embraces radical localisation now, we may survive the chaos to come. Here in Wellington, making this transition from green washed business as usual to the visionary new, would firstly involve halting the grandiose conference centre, film museum, airport runway extension, Basin Reserve & Chinese garden projects. Then we could get on with focusing on the basics & such things as: developing & implementing a trail blazing future proofing vision, decentralisation, fostering grass-roots initiative, creating affordable multi-purpose built environments, food, water & energy security, innovative transportation solutions, regaining control over essential resources, infra-structure & services & relocating central government & civil defence. A vote for Johnny will be a thumb’s up to stands being made against the establishment’s globalisation agenda, & for alternative views. Lord Ayvan, founder of the Localisation party, would ultimately like to see the eventual establishment of an innovative, sustainable, uniquely constituted, ‘New Zealand Confederacy’. He believes this confederacy of autonomous cities & regions could become a blueprint, for a post-globalisation world.