Get the right colour tag
Get the right colour tag
Reggie, Hastings District Council’s doggie mascot, is being rolled out again as dog registration time looms. This year he is in blue - the 2016/17 tag colour.
Every dog over three months of age must be registered before July 1 each year; and there are more than 8000 of them in the Hastings district.
The annual registration fees, $110 (urban), $73.50 (special owner policy) and $48 (rural and working dogs), go towards carrying out Council’s obligations under the Dog Control Act and Council’s dog policy, and providing services including the 24 hour animal control team and maintaining the animal welfare shelter.
Not registering a dog can lead to a fine or the animal being impounded.
The information collected as part of the registration process has a very practical benefit, going onto a data base that makes it easy for owners to be reunited with their dogs should their animal be lost. It also keeps track of dangerous dogs, says Council’s animal control manager John Payne.
The easiest way to register is on-line see:, however dog owners can also register their pet over the counter at Council’s main office in Lyndon Rd East, Hastings.