Grey Power Expresses Concerns On Policing Auckland
Grey Power Federation is concerned at the prospect of a number of Police stations in the Auckland area being closed.
Chairman of the federation’s law and order advisory committee, and former police sergeant, Graeme Faulkner said the proposed closures in Auckland suggests that there would be similar closures throughout the country to follow.
“With the closure this year of a number of stations already there appears to be a move to centralise all Police activities out of central stations,” he said.
Mr Faulkner said, while there may have some financial benefit it does nothing for the feeling of safety and security of the public, older people in particular. “The fact that there is a local Police Station staffed by local Police gives that feeling of something physical that gives that well need feeling of safety and security.”
The odd visit by a patrol vehicle in an area accompanied by the odd foot patrol does nothing for our members and we strongly urge that these stations remain open. Numerous buildings undergo major work but they are usually able to remain open whilst this s one,
“We fully support the Police in the need to make these stations safer for staff but there will always be risk. That is the nature of Policing.”