Ratepayers the Real Losers of Mayor's Competition
Ratepayers the Real Losers of Mayor's Competition
18 MARCH 2016
Responding to the NBR report that Auckland Council spent $103,000 of ratepayers' money in order to enter the Lee Kuan Yew World City Prize competition, which resulted in nothing but a "special mention" for Auckland, Ratepayers' Alliance spokesperson, Carmel Claridge, says:
" Len Brown looks to be claiming a 'special mention' in the Lee Kuan Yew World City Prize competition justifies a $130 000 spend of ratepayer money in pursuing a gold medal at the so-called 'City Olympics'. This is a competition Aucklanders have little knowledge of or interest in, did not ask to enter, and delivers no discernible benefit to the winner other than civic bragging rights."
"Ratepayers struggling to find the extra dollars to cover their 9.9% rates increase will be looking for Mayoral and Council candidates in the upcoming elections, ready and willing to kick these sorts of expensive vanity exercises to the kerb."