Foxton Main Street final working plans to be presented
Foxton Main Street final working plans to be presented
to public
The final working plans for the upgrade
and beautification of Foxton’s Main Street will be
showcased at a public meeting on Tuesday 15 March.
The overall aim of the project is to make the street safer for pedestrians and more pleasant to encourage people to spend time in the area; visiting local businesses, cafes and visitor attractions.
To help with this, work will include footpath improvements, traffic build-outs to encourage vehicles to slow down, street furniture installed and low-level plantings of native bushes introduced.
At the northern end, a plaza area would be established around the war memorial, also creating a connection to Ihakara Gardens.
Foxton Community Board chairperson Janine Smart says the final working plans are more simplistic and practical than previous proposals.
“It will certainly make a hugely positive difference to the look and ambience of the town. Contrary to rumour, there are no trees going down the centre of the road and the overall width will reduce only 1.2 metres in order for the western side footpath to be flattened out, thus removing the current dangerous angle,” she said.
The final working plans will be presented at a public meeting in the hall at Manawatu College at 7.00pm on Tuesday March 15.